To be happy in your life, you have to say goodbye to these 10 behaviors


However you want to define happiness, it requires change and hard work which needs a lot of sacrifice.

Below are some of the 10 behaviors to say goodbye to if you want to truly find happiness:

Being indifferent and indecisive 

If you don’t get specific about what success means to you, you will end up in one of two situations:

  • Becoming someone with no morals and standards
  • Having no idea about the types of goals you want to accomplish

Indifference and indecision also come from a place of fear. Whether it is a fear of failure, rejection, or change, you cannot avoid it. Instead, you should accept it, as the quicker you accept it and create your way of feeling blasé about yourself, the quicker it can lead you to happiness.

Negative thinking

To find happiness, focus on the positive aspects. Start by being more optimistic. Practice positive affirmations and reframe negative thoughts into more constructive ones.

You also need to eliminate any negative thoughts that keep coming to your mind. Constantly dwelling on them will simply lead you to a pessimistic outlook on life. 

A great way of eliminating negative thinking is by reminding yourself of your achievements by journaling every morning or evening. You can write down things you are grateful for, or the things that worry you and the best solutions to these things (focus on the solutions rather than the problems themselves).

Fear of failure

One of the things that hold many good people down is the fear of failure. Fear of failure can prevent you from taking risks and pursuing your dreams.

Fear of failure is why you still stay in your hometown (which you lived your whole life) that you hate, as well as your job that pays you very poorly and gives you a headache every morning when you show up to that job.

Ignoring your passions

How many times have you been told to “follow your passion”? It is a message that appears in everything from graduation speeches to new jobs. 

We all have the same hours in a day, week, and year. And if billionaires running 20 companies have time to spend on either social media or on hobbies they actually enjoy, then you and I too can find a couple of hours every week for activities that truly bring us joy and a sense of purpose.

Being too serious

Taking things very seriously can be a great quality, showing that you are caring and hardworking. But, taking things too seriously can cause unnecessary stress over things that are not worth the effort.

Always comparing yourself to others.

The more we compare ourselves to others, the worse we feel about ourselves, and that is a dangerous trap that we have got to avoid. 

While watching what other people do, whether it is on social media or in your personal life, focus on your progress, set personal goals, and celebrate your achievements regardless of what others are doing. Embrace imperfection and be your own best friend.

Seeking approval from others.

Recognize your worth. Set healthy boundaries and develop self-care practices. And don’t focus too much on what other people think, and start paying attention to your own needs and desires. It is very important to remember that you do not need anyone else’s validation to live a fulfilling life. You have inherent value and it is important not to forget this.

Make time for good things. 

Try not to be too busy in life to put off the ‘little’ things that will make you happy.

It is great to be responsible, but do not put off doing the fun things; they are a part of what makes life worth living

Pursuing material possessions.

I get it. Buying material things brings a sense of accomplishment, especially when linked to hard work. But going after material possessions all the time to fill a hole in our happiness can lead to a never-ending cycle of desire. 

Instead of buying all these personal material things (which bring clutter and wasted money), find joy in relationships and meaningful connections with others. Create a calm atmosphere and create a positive mindset to bring you happiness.

Living in unhealthy habits.

All of the habits you have right now, good or bad, are in your life for a reason. In some ways, these behaviors provide a benefit to you.

Always aim for a good, balanced, and healthy lifestyle to support your happiness. Set exceptional, achievable goals for yourself to reduce or eliminate any unhealthy habits, and substitute them for more positive activities such as exercise, enjoying hobbies, and even creating a more mindful point-of-view.

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