It’s important to practice positive affirmations daily, as they help you accomplish your goals. 

What are affirmations? Affirmations are positive statements that can help you challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. By repeating these statements often and believing the truth in them, you can start to see positive changes.

You can use affirmations in any situation where you’d like to see a positive change take place in your life.

These situations might include times when you want to:

l Boost your confidence before any important events

l Finish projects you’ve started

l Set personal goals

l Improve your productivity

l Control negative feelings, such as frustration, anger, or impatience

l Break a bad habit

Once you’ve identified the goals you’d like to achieve, affirmative statements can help motivate you to achieve them.

Affirmations are quite powerful and can change your life. It is important to repeat your affirmations as soon as you find yourself having certain negative thoughts or behaviors that you want to overcome. Also, you will only see results if you continue to repeat them to yourself on a regular basis. It’s useful to recite or even write down your affirmations several times a day. Some other great, helpful ways to use affirmations that others have used include having them pop up in your notifications on your phone, posting the affirmations on the Reminder app, or even writing them as reminders on post-it notes.

Below are examples of my personal morning affirmations:

“I thank God and the universe for my life.”

“I am grateful for my life.”

“I wake up feeling peaceful and happy.”

“I enjoy my life to the fullest.”

“I lean into love no matter what.”

“I am working towards a greater well-being.”

How to Write an Affirmation Statement

Affirmations are usually based on a specific area, behavior, or belief you’re struggling with. Make a list of the goals you want affirmations to help you with and be sure to write them in the present tense. Also, write your affirmations clearly, boldly, and concisely. It doesn’t matter how big or small the goal is. Lastly, turn your negatives into positives.

You may use and refer to my daily affirmations as a guide! 

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