Qualities of Intelligent and Confident Women

Intelligent, confident women are not born but made, and it’s quite possible for any woman to be confident and intelligent. Whether they are using their creative, analytical, or practical smarts, intelligent women are inquisitive and are always learning. They’re never content in accepting things as they are. They are also not afraid of change. Rather, they accept and embrace it, and they use their intelligence to create new ideas and solutions.  

 Below are 12 qualities or traits that can be found in intelligent and confident women:

1. Does Not Take Things Personally

Intelligent, confident women work hard not to take things personally. They work hard for everything, as nothing comes easy. In a world full of negativity, criticism, and judgement, they continue not to take it personally but rather ignore it and put the effort into what they want to achieve.

 2. Have a Positive Mindset 

Positive thinking with a can-do mindset is one clear sign of an intelligent, confident woman. Setbacks and failures are challenging. Life may not always go our way, but a woman who is both confident and intelligent stays positive and finds ways to work toward life’s circumstances. No matter the conditions, she doesn’t waste time worrying. A confident woman is too busy taking care of and focusing on her goals. A confident woman has no time to tear others down or engage in gossip.

 3. Avoids Playing the Role of the Victim

An intelligent, confident woman might feel the same sadness, anger, and pain as everyone else. But as tempting as it may be, she does not wallow in self-pity. She is aware this would be a waste of time and would do nothing to help her life. She refuses to stay down even when she is forced onto her knees, she picks herself up and keeps fighting.

 4. Has a Thirst for Knowledge

She is always learning and seeking out new information. She knows there is so much to learn in this world, and she has the patience and determination to educate herself. She may do this by researching, taking classes for personal enrichment, or even journaling. A smart, confident woman is also willing to challenge herself in creative ways that may be useful to her. This may include networking, exposing herself to a variety of fields, or taking part in experiences to broaden her knowledge of the world. She not only self-educates but is also willing to learn with others.

 5. Takes Care of Themselves

She understands the importance of taking care of themselves holistically, which includes her mind, body, and spirit. She is also interested in different forms of exercise, such as yoga, pilates, or jogging, as she is aware of the health benefits that it brings. In addition, finding a healthy work-life balance is very important. Having that balance is essential to being mentally and emotionally healthy. She also knows there are different versions of self-care, so what may not work for one may work for another.

 6. Chooses Friends Wisely

An intelligent, confident woman knows that if she wants to be successful, she needs to surround herself with people who will impact her quality of life, and who she can also do the same. This does not mean she’d push away those who don’t meet her standards, but rather, she simply knows who is or isn’t good for her mental health. She knows how to manage her friendships carefully.

 7. Has their Finances in Order

She does not want to have to rely on people, whether they’re friends, or even her partner, to stay afloat and financially secure for the rest of her life. She will set clear goals to make sure she has her finances on track, which she may start by setting a good budget to have enough to support herself.

 8. Values Punctuality

A smart, confident woman is one who is punctual, as this not only shows discipline and efficiency but also respect for the person she is meeting. She knows that part of becoming successful in life is to be able to show up in the first place and to be on time, as well. Even if she is feeling down or unwell, she will make sure to find a way to show up. She pulls herself together and does what needs to be done.

 9. Is Interested in Traveling

Traveling is one of the ways intelligent women can boost their lives. She enjoys going to places she has never gone before to study and learn about new cultures, or she may revisit old locations to have more of an understanding of the place, as there is always something you can learn. Traveling to new places allows us to truly grow and adapt, and see the entire world for what is, which is important to us all. An intelligent, confident woman also does not consider it a problem to spend time alone when traveling, as this is a great chance to meditate, reflect within, and envision the future she wants for herself. 

 10. Is Open to Reading More Books

She knows that increasing her knowledge in any way that she can is very important. Intelligent, confident women read books frequently to become more knowledgeable about all aspects of their lives. They also don’t just read any type of books, but books that will truly motivate, educate, and add value to their lives.

 11. Is Independent

A confident, intelligent woman is independent and is fine with completing activities on her own. She knows that having an established sense of independence increases self-esteem and self-awareness. She also knows that being an independent woman allows her to care for herself, work toward a clearer purpose in life, make her own decisions, and it allows her to manifest and take control of her own destiny.

 12. Wants to Give Back 

Women who are self-aware understand the importance of giving back to society and tackling social issues in the community. They are either volunteering or simply helping others in need around them. Whether or not she is rich, she is willing to give back to others within her community through monetary or non-monetary donations. Whether she is volunteering at her local church, or pantry, or giving back at an organization, she is truly aware of the huge impact and real difference this will bring to others.


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