Simple Daily Habits to Improve Your Mental Health in 2023

Everything we do in our daily lives is based on our social and emotional well-being, or mental health. Respecting your mental health will allow you to connect more deeply with others, lessen anxiety, and enhance your confidence. As we are approaching a new year, below are simple mental health behaviors that you can develop to improve your mental health.

Make relaxation a routine: Relaxation techniques are a great way to help with stress and mental health. Meditation is a popular way to relax, as it can help reach a state of calm, decrease stress, and improve your mood. According to, “Deep breathing is also one of the best ways to lower stress in our bodies. When we take deep breaths, signals are sent to our brains, telling us to calm down and relax, which can help a lot with mental health.”

Sleep: Your mental health state is associated with the amount of sleep you get. By not having enough sleep, your brain wouldn’t have the chance to rest and recover. Being sleep-deprived makes it harder to regulate your emotions and deal with stress, which can worsen the symptoms of existing mental illnesses. Prioritizing your sleep is a great way to value your mental health.

Food and Hydration: Your body needs the nutrients and hydration to function well and help your mental health. Adding healthy foods to your diet boost happiness. Also make sure to drink enough water as hydration is linked to decreased the risk of anxiety and depression.

Exercise: Being active is another way to boost your mood and make you feel good about yourself. Adding exercise to your routine helps improve your confidence and motivates you toward your goals. In addition, exercising may give you the chance to bond or work out with others at the park or gym. Walking or bike-riding can also boost your mental health.

Practice having Gratitude: Having gratitude in your daily life is a great way to instill a positive outlook on your life. In addition, it has more benefits for your mental health, which include reducing stress, lessening depression symptoms, and boosting your mood. You can also try writing down a list of things you’re grateful for on a regular basis.

Value Social Interaction: Sharing our time with others can boost our mood or change our perspective on life. Making time for our friends and family will decrease feelings of loneliness and ensure that you have an emotional support system. Text messages and phone calls are all meaningful ways to stay in touch with others, and spending quality time with loved ones in person is always helpful to our mental health.

Monitor your Social Media Use: Constant social media use has been linked to worsened anxiety and depression symptoms. Hours spent scrolling through social media and comparing ourselves to the snapshot of perfection that people post, can seriously impact our self-esteem and stain our mental health. You can use social media by limiting how long you can spend on each media site. Also, using time to do something that brings you joy, rather than browsing is a productive use of your time and is beneficial to your mental health.

Try Journaling: Studies found that journaling for 15 minutes each day significantly reduced stress and feelings of anxiety. Journaling is also a powerful tool to cope with mental health issues by working through your emotions and channeling your thoughts. No matter how you do it, journaling is an excellent way to track your progress and growth throughout the year.

Remember to Laugh: Laughing is sometimes the best medicine. When you are down or feeling stressed, try doing things that will make you laugh to reduce anxiety and stress. Watch your favorite TV show or movie to boost your mood. Sing and dance when showering or cleaning the house. Dancing reduces the stress hormone cortisol in the body.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. ALWAYS consult a physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have about mental health issues or conditions.

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