6 Benefits of Watermelon During Summer Season

Watermelon is loaded with several nutrients and antioxidants, especially vitamin A and vitamin C, and there are several delicious, easy ways to prepare it. You can eat watermelon fresh as juice, smoothies, or frozen in slices for a tasty, cold popsicle snack. In addition, this summer wonderful fruit is loaded with lots of health benefits. Below are six benefits you can receive this summer season.

Blood Pressure

In a 2012 study by Medical News Today, researchers found that watermelon extract reduced blood pressure in and around the ankles of middle-aged people with obesity and early hypertension. In addition, the authors suggested that L-citrulline and L-arginine — two of the antioxidants in watermelon — may improve the function of the arteries.

Digestion and Regularity

Watermelon has a high water content and provides some fiber. These nutrients help promote a healthy gut by preventing constipation and promoting the regularity of bowel movements.


Watermelon is around 90% water and provides electrolytes, such as potassium. This makes it a healthy snack choice during the hot summer months.

It Boosts Athletic Performance

Watermelon boosts energy, prevents muscle soreness, and aids in athletic performance. Also, athletes are encouraged to drink watermelon juice before engaging in an intense workout, which will help to prevent heart rate and muscle soreness the next day.

It is Good for the Skin and Hair

Aside from vitamin A and vitamin C, which are two essential vitamins in watermelon that contribute to healthy skin and hair, beta-carotene and lycopene are also found in watermelon; they protect the skin from sunburn and other skin problems.

It Enhances Eye Health

Consuming watermelon boosts helps to prevent macular degeneration and boosts eye health. The richness of beta-carotene, vitamin C, lutein, and zeaxanthin in watermelons safeguards your eyes. It also prevents the eyes from illness such as dry eyes, damage to the optic nerve, and glaucoma.

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