7 Tips to Balance a Side Hustle While Working a 9-5

  • Pick a Side Hustle That You Actually Love and Enjoy.

Choosing your favorite hobby as your side hustle that will help you create a good balance, and make sure that you can make a reasonable profit…. All the work you put into the business model and prep will help you run your business effectively.

  • Make a Schedule and make every effort to Stick to It.  

With the multiple planners, agendas, and mobile apps available to you, use these items to create and stick to a schedule. Be realistic and set smart goals

  •    Adjust Your Sleep Schedule

 Consider waking up an hour earlier or staying up an hour later to work on your business. During that time, you can work on your social media, send emails, marketing, or anything business related. During any idle time, you can be working on your business….

  • Use your lunch breaks  

For many of you, the only free time in your day is your scheduled-out lunch break! You must multitask like a champ and grow your business? Grab your food, go to a place where you can be distraction-free, and get to working! Even just one hour a day will make a huge difference in your business!

  • Block out time in your calendar

Can’t seem to find enough time in your week to put towards your side hustle? Schedule it out! Block out time in your calendar and make sure that you utilize it only for building your business

  • Take advantage of your weekends

Weekends are the best time for side-hustlers! You’ve got two free days to do whatever you want. Wake up early, grab your coffee and start working on your business. But don’t forget to have fun, rest, and enjoy time with friends and family!

  • Don’t waste your valuable time

We already know that our time is super very limited, so why waste it? There are so many opportunities in your day to make yourself productive! Instead of scrolling through social media, watching tv, use that valuable time for something to grow your business!

3 thoughts on “7 Tips to Balance a Side Hustle While Working a 9-5

    • Author gravatar

      Let me just get straight to the point; I saw your blog and I think you would be a great fit for our company :-). We are currently paying upwards of $70/hour for English translators. We are looking for people who are reliable, hardworking, and willing to work long-term. English fluency is preferred, and I don’t think you should have any problems with this requirement. We are an online based company from North Carolina. Interested? Apply here: https://msha.ke/freedomwithtay

    • Author gravatar

      Okay, this might be a little bit random, but I saw your blog and had to ask, are you interested in a translation job? I know I’m a stranger but I felt like doing a good deed today by alerting a couple people that a good position has opened up here: https://msha.ke/freedomwithtay and they pay sometimes even $70/hour. Okay, they won’t always give that amount, I only made around $400 last week, but it’s part time and when times are tight, every little bit helps. Hope it helps, and my apologies if you’re not interested. Have a great day/evening!

    • Author gravatar

      Thank you for sharing your knowledge! I’ve had fantastic success implementing your strategies alongside the landing page optimization strategies from lazytraffic.com.

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