Having an active presence on social media may seem normal in today’s time; however, social media allows an unprecedented level of exposure that we have ever dealt with as humans. When we share more of ourselves and become less private online, this can come at a high cost of one’s mental health. As we post on social media handles and as people view these posts with opinions of their own, regardless of whether they like or comment, we do not know how we are being perceived. In the same way, people may still cast judgement towards others even if they do react to one’s post. Being observed by many may allow significant psychological effects on social media users, as being online can make people feel as if the whole world’s eyes are on them. Despite these consequences, social media does pose positive effects. 

There are several advantages of social media platforms that include discovering new information, being aware of the latest news and trends, and connecting with people. During the pandemic, for example, when it was difficult to be close to our loved ones, social media made it easier to maintain strong connections with them. These apps especially made it possible to spend meaningful time with friends and family online. These sites also allow us to form connections with audiences who may be new, and even reconnect or keep in touch with the old. Another advantage is how convenient the media is to allow the sharing of new ideas and useful information, as well as the spreading of awareness. People have taken an advantage of learning new skills and information, such as languages and recipes, for example, which continues to broaden one’s knowledge. Staying updated by using the news and daily trends as a source is also an important benefit of social media. At the same time, however, social media can still be costly to one’s personal health.

In addition to the toll it can take on mental health, social media can cause significant distractions in our lives. In this age of technology, even when you’re not browsing on phone screens, screens can still take up space in your head. This may cause people to have trouble focusing and completing tasks. Furthermore, this may also make people focus their attention on trying to maintain a strong online presence, as well as exposing mostly the good parts of themselves. Essentially, exposing this side of yourself on the internet gives you limited information about the opinions that people make of you based on your post, which still greatly affects our lives. We seem to thrive when receiving positive comments, and this can often make us feel a sense of gratitude, validation, or even worth. Ultimately, if we’re not mindful of these risks in today’s digital age, our presence online can lead to constant stress that will slowly become part of our lives if we do not take the necessary steps not to let the dangers of the media consume us. While there are, of course, advantages to these platforms, it is important to limit the use of social media to protect our personal health.   

Here are tips one can consider to limit social media use:

  •  Replace your time on social media with hobbies, interests, or other activities you enjoy
  •  Turn off all social media notifications on your cell  
  •  Keep apps out of sight to avoid temptation
  •  Keep track of your time and use reminders
  • Set aside a specific time of the day or a certain amount of time for social media each day
  •  Keep your phone away for studying or completing tasks
  •  Remove your cell phone from your morning routine
  •  Spend quality time with friends and family 
  •  Leave your phone outside the bedroom 

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